Just a reminder to all families to please use
the pre-screen tool prior to coming to school each day. If your
child is having any symptoms on the pre-screening tool, they
should be staying home and you should contact our school
nurse, Cerise Humphrey.
Looking forward to welcoming our youngest learners today! Can't wait to see them this morning at drop off.
We are so excited to welcome our grades 1-5 learners today! Drop off is between 8:30 and 8:45am. Please call the office with any questions. Happy first day of school!
Just a reminder that we our open house is scheduled for tonight! It will be a meet-and-greet for families to come and meet your child’s classroom teacher! Please be sure to wear your masks while indoors and help us limit the number of people in the building by coming at your designated time:
Last name beginning with A-L come between 6-6:30pm Last name beginning with M-Z come between 6:30-7pm
Shapleigh Memorial School open house is scheduled for Wednesday, August 25th from 6:00-7:00PM. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Important information for the start of the 2021-22 school year has been sent out to families. Please check out our Home-School Communication section of our website. If you did not receive this email, please contact the school to ensure we have your most updated contact information. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Our bus orientation (for both Pre-K and K) will take place on Wednesday, August 18th at 10:00 AM at Shapleigh Memorial School. We will review bus safety, take a practice ride, review some important school information and we will schedule your child’s fall teacher appointment. Hope to see you all there!
Information for our Pre-K and Kindergarten families regarding bus orientation has been sent out through email. If you did not receive this notice, please reach out to the office. All notices can also be found under the Menu - Home School Communication section of our website. We look forward to meeting our youngest learners soon!
*Free meals must meet federal and state reimbursable meal requirements in order to be free of charge
RSU 57 highly recommends that all households continue to submit a free and reduced application for meal price benefits. Each school district receives federal and state funding based on the percentage of students that are approved for free or reduced meal prices. Miscounting those eligible for this program could harm many educational programs we rely on to serve our students. Regardless of whether your student chooses to receive school meals or not, it is critical that we properly account for all who are eligible. Please contact the RSU 57 School Nutrition Department with any questions 207-247-3221 ext. 2257
We had an amazing last day of school! Happy summer and see you in the fall!
Bikes for Books winners! That you our local Mason Group for your support! Our kids were super excited and read over 600 books during the month of April and May! Way to go and keep it up!
Our Egg Drop Challenge was a great success this year! We had over 80 participants developing some very creative designs! Our most creative designs, as voted on by their peers, were Evelyn Rodriguez (PK), Gavin Taggart (K), Korbyn Thibeault (K), Gabby Richards (1), Evelyn Cacace (2), Ally Boucher (3), Eva McBride (4), and Elias Conrad (5). Thank you to everyone who participated!
The rain did not stop us yesterday during field day! We enjoyed a day filled with games, tie dye, ice cream, egg drop and water balloons! Thank you Shain's of Maine for supplying the ice cream and sprinkles!
Egg Drop schedule for today is as follows:
9:30-10:00 - grade 2
10:00-10:30 - grade 3
10:30-11:00 - grade 4
11:00-11:30 - grade 5
12:30-1:00 - PK
1:00-1:30 - grade 1
1:30-2:00 - grade K - O'Neill
2:00-2:20 - grade K - Marshall
Just a reminder for the link for today: https://rsu57.zoom.us/j/8169195384
Lets hope the rain holds off!
Just a reminder, tomorrow is our Field Day and Egg Drop Challenge. We will be hosting rain or shine so please make sure your child is prepared for all potential weather with a change of clothes.
All learners should bring in their egg drop designs in and will get their eggs to put in their designs right before their classroom is scheduled to drop. We will be live streaming this event. Please check the Shapleigh Peek for more information.
Free meals for all children 18 and under!!
Excited to be celebrating our 5th graders tonight! See everyone tonight at 6:00pm.
Just a reminder that all Egg Drop Forms are due back here by Friday, June 4th! Reach out to the office if you need another sign up sheet.
Don't forget to check out our drive/walk thru book fair from 3:30-5:00pm tonight. To support our dismissal process, please do not pull into the parking lot until after our buses have arrived. We look forward to seeing you today!
Thank you to everyone who was able to join our virtual family night last night! We hope you all had a great time and enjoyed the read alouds, experiments and activities that were planned!