Just a reminder that the Shapleigh Memorial PTC Pie Fundraiser pick up will be on Tuesday, November 9th from 5:00-6:30pm, immediately following our outdoor book fair event. Please be sure to contact the office or PTC directly if you are unable to make this pick up time. Thank you!
Fun with Flags with 5th grade: Lucas was our school expert on Scotland and made a great display to share all he has learned. Be on the look out each week for our new Fun with Flags display!
Check out the reading from Miss Humphrey and Mrs. Carbone that was shared at our family night event on Thursday! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tev2ydSNY4bIQxJPkDKaCB67hc3D4cTQ/view?usp=sharing
Shapleigh PTC Meeting - tonight at 6:30pm. Please use the follow link on our school website. https://shapleigh.rsu57.org/o/shapleigh
Don't forget to check out the Shapleigh Memorial School Book Fair website before our upcoming fair! Learners will be able to preview this fair indoors on Monday, November 8th. If you are unable to make it to our outdoor book fair events on November 9th and 10th but would like to purchase a book, you may use the e-wallet or send money in with your child's wish list OR you may order online.
Please RSVP to our virtual Family Night held this Thursday at 6:00pm. Your RSVP will ensure that all items for the evening are sent home with your child to fully participate in our evening event! https://forms.gle/BDJjAXQmAhaHMd3f7
Fun with Flags with 5th grade: Ben was our school expert on Great Britain and made a great display to share all he has learned. Be on the look out each week for our new Fun with Flags display!
School Spirit Day: Our upcoming school spirit day will be on Friday, October 29th. Bring your favorite teddy bear or stuffy with you to school!
Just a reminder that we have an early release day, tomorrow, October 27th. Please be sure to call the office by 12:15 if you are planning to pick up your child who normally takes the bus. It helps us prepare them for dismissal. Student dismissal will begin at 1:00pm followed by buses at 1:15pm.
Just a reminder that the Shapleigh PTC pie and wreath fundraisers are due this Monday, October 25th. Please return these order forms to the main office by Monday. Thank you!
Don't forget to sign up for parent/teacher conferences!
This school year we will be using Synergy’s ParentVUE to sign up for conferences. The conference tool in ParentVUE allows a parent to choose the conference time that best fits your schedule.
To start, please be certain that your ParentVUE account is active and accessible. If you do not have a ParentVUE account, please contact the office.
Once your account is active and accessible, log into ParentVUE and follow the instructions on this document (https://bit.ly/PVUEdirections)
Fun with Flags with 5th grade is off to a great start! Denny was our school expert on Egypt and made a great display to share all he has learned. Be on the look out each week for our new Fun with Flags display!
It's makeup picture day for those learners who missed our September 28th picture day. Don't forget to send in those forms if you want to purchase school pictures.
BinaxNow Rapid testing now available in RSU57. Please see the attached letter that was sent out via email with specific information on how to provide consent for your child to access this at school. Testing will be performed as needed on any staff or students who develop symptoms during the school day.
No school this Friday and Monday. Have a great long weekend!
Shapleigh PTC Meeting - tonight at 6:30pm. Please see school calendar or Shapleigh Peek for Zoom information.
October menus are now available!!
www.rsu57.org > Menu > Documents > Food Service Menus
It's PICTURE day!! Can't wait to see all those smiling faces. Don't forget to send in those forms if you would like to order school pictures.
Just a reminder that Studio by the Pond will be hosting our fall picture day on September 28th. All learners will have their pictures taken for the school and yearbook needs. For those families interested in purchasing fall school pictures, forms have been sent home and are due back on or before picture day.
Just a reminder that our first early release day is scheduled for tomorrow, September 22nd. Please be sure to call the office by 12:15 if you are planning to pick up your child who normally takes the bus. It helps us prepare them for dismissal. Student dismissal will begin at 1:00pm followed by buses at 1:15pm.