Wishing everyone a great April vacation!
Fun with Flags with 5th grade: Alyssa was our school expert on Canada and made a great display to share all she has learned. Be on the look out each week for our new Fun with Flags display.
Our upcoming book fair needs you! Fill out our Elementary Volunteer Form (see news section) so you can help out either! Please see the Shapleigh Memorial Book Fair website for more information!
Sea Dogs Most Improved Student Awards - Congratulations to these students for their dedication and hard work! Keep up the amazing work!
In our final week of Read Across America Challenge, we have made a trip around the world! Learners have read over 101,038 pages! Amazing job Shapleigh Memorial learners! This Friday we will have a very special activity to celebrate all the reading that occurred during the month of April.
End of year planning has begun. Yearbook information for the 5th graders is due April 27th. Please see the notice that was shared via email and hard copies with our 5th grade families on Monday, April 4th!
We continue to chug across the USA and back with our Read Across America challenge! Learners have read over 79,902 pages in just 3 weeks! Amazing job Shapleigh Memorial School!
Kindness Month video is complete. We are working on having our poster winners recreate their designs within our school. We will shows those displays once the learners have completed them. Please check out our video highlighting that “Kindness is cool in our school!” https://youtu.be/1Y5m87-YgJ0
Amazing progress continues on our Read Across America challenge! Learners have read over 38,215 pages in just 2 weeks! Keep up the great work.
What an AMAZING first week of our Read Across America reading challenge! We collected all the reading logs and totaled pages read during week 1 for our learners as we trek to California. We had a school total of 14, 971 pages read! Keep up the great work!
Read Across America Challenge - Reading Logs are due this Monday for our first check in! Just a reminder, logs need to be turned in on Monday to be counted towards the challenge. Late submissions will not be counted.
Fun with Flags with 5th grade: Mya was our school expert on Bhutan and made a great display to share all she has learned. Be on the look out each week for our new Fun with Flags display.
It is Read Across America Week (Feb 28 - Mar 4)! We will be doing some special activities this week to promote literacy at our school.
• Monday – Introduction to our Read Across America Challenge
• Tuesday - Guess the Book (Home Challenge)
• Wednesday – Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Celebration (Special Read Aloud Activity)
• Thursday – Share a photo of you in your favorite reading spot at home!
• Friday – Bring your favorite book to school to share as part of our favorite book photo shoot!
In addition, we have our month long reading challenge to read across America! Each classroom has a goal of 3,311 pages by the end of March! See the tracking sheets and other flyers attached!
Don't forget to turn in your February break Random Acts of Kindness Challenge to the office for a chance at a special prize! We can't wait to see all the kind acts that occurred over vacation.
Fun with Flags with 5th grade: Jayce was our school expert on China and made a great display to share all he has learned. Be on the look out each week for our new Fun with Flags display.
Enjoy our 100th day of learning celebration video!
What an amazing turn out for our 5th grade sock drive. We collected 354 pairs of socks to be donated to our locate shelter program! A special thank you for all your support for this great cause.
We exceeded our goal of 100 food items for our Kindness Food Drive on our 100th day of school! Thank you for your continued support of our backpack program.
Come join our team!!
Just a reminder that our 100 days of learning celebration will be this Friday, February 11. As part of our Kindness Food Drive we are trying to collect 100 food items by our Friday celebration! We are excited to see the creative projects you have been working on and will be putting together a video to share with our families!