RSU# 57 School Board Meeting
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom, a web-based video conferencing tool, under 1 M.R.S.A. § 403-A, which authorizes remote meetings during the Civil State of Emergency declared by Governor Mills due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Ways to join:
● By computer or mobile device or go to ZOOM and enter the meeting ID 537 188 046
● By phone 1(929) 436-2866 US (New York) When prompted, enter the ID 537 188 046 #
Please take time to read these important instructions before you join:
● Please mute your audio and disable your video before joining.
● Here is a brief video to help familiarize you with how to join a Zoom meeting. For those joining the meeting that do not have experience with Zoom, please use the link above in place of the email/calendar invite mentioned in the video.
○ Joining a Zoom Meeting (brief instructional video)
● PUBLIC COMMENT: As we figure out the logistics of a public virtual meeting, public comment will be limited to the ‘Hearing of Delegations’ portion of the agenda. If you wish to participate in the ‘Hearing of Delegations’, please follow the instructions below based on the method that you are participating:
● Joining via (disabled) video/audio:
○ Please use the “raise your hand” feature by clicking “participants”. The host will be notified and will identify you when it is your turn to comment.
● Joining via call in # only or unable to attend:
○ Please email Lisa Dearborn with any question or statement that you would like to be read in the Hearing of Delegations by 5:00 pm today.